Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Facebook helps our life

Is Facebook addiction or not? In this article, "Facing up to the future: How cyber social networking site Facebook has taken the world by storm", the author discusses the fact that a Facebook member found it addictive, it almost messed up, and it was all about photos and chatting. On the other hand, about 62 million people use Facebook for the same reasons. According to the article, networking sites have radically changed the interaction between males and females. Also, Some people using Facebook to concurred about regulations, rich behavior and some possible cases like they want to be friends just for fun.

I agree when the author mentions that the social network website "Facebook" networking sites have radically changed the interaction between males and females. That means Facebook makes people more open, and makes people from many countries communicate easily without problems. This development makes people spend their time having many friends and watch friends’ news online. On the other hand, social network website is become more popular in the world, and this website is a very trendy habit among old and young people. However, there are many advantages of using the social network website that people should pay attention to when they want to have Facebook's accounts: Communication, culture and fun.

First, communication is the most important part in our life, and we should not be communicating by phone or messages. With other people the Communication is becoming easier, because some people have difficulties to communicate face to face because of their shyness. Some others fear being rejected because of their appearance, Facebook gives them the chance to show their personalities, the beauty of their spirit. According to Patterson, networking sites have readily changed the interaction between males and women for the worst; this is right but only for those who are using Facebook and other networking sites the wrong way. Facebook was created first to enhance the communication between Harvard students, it successfully did. Then, gradually, it spread to the whole community of America, and then the whole world.

Second, Facebook allows people to increase bonds and culture. Many people all over the world are using Facebook not only to communicate but also to know about their friend’s culture. Learning new culture is a gain to each individual person that registers on Facebook whether they want it or not. The process is such that when you have an account on Facebook and you have many friends, you can ask about their information and know with whom you are communicating with. It is better for us as human beings that we should know with whom we communicate. According to F. stutzman (2006, Q.2), “On the nature of friendship in Facebook, my research has shown that Facebook users average hundreds of friends. This means that the nature of friendship is different and culturally unique in the Facebook. Friendship in the Facebook is cultural currency - I link to you and you link to me. Implicit in this is a one-time exchange of social capital, nothing more. However, friendship is an absolutely core element of the service, and with this change, the nature of friendship in the service, and everything that goes along with it, changes. From now on, when you friend someone, you're agreeing to let them have a feed of everything you do - this is a huge difference from the previous notion of friendship, which users were quite comfortable with”. Facebook allows people to be able to learn about other people’s culture without being in their country. For example, I have an account on Facebook and I can not guarantee you that I know all my friends. However, I know each single person I communicate with and their culture to allow a strong friendship between them and I. Today’s world is based on technology and Facebook is a creation of technology that allows people to know about others’ countries’ culture.

Third, the author uses Facebook users as an example, saying that users are using Facebook only for "the cryptic messages, wacky photos and the salacious chatter", and this the reason why many People can after chatting and photos can use those porn sites to satisfy their lust. Those people who are using Facebook for the same reason Patterson's example, dose, are abusing the website, they are taking advantage of Fcebook's privacy and security, this is not Facebok’s fault. Facebook privacy and high security; was created to receive their users who are using the site in the right way. Now, If some people are saying that the level of privacy is not enough, then I say that they didn’t know a about the flexibility of the privacy and security options offered by Facebook. As a Facebook user one can choose who can view their full profile, and who can view their profile at all. In addition to that, one can manage notification messages received as well as sent, no one can view or receive any thing about a users without prior permission.

In conclusion, Facebook is a good website where we connect yourself with people around you Technology is the one responsible for this accomplishment and the scientists. On the other hand, we need to know that Facebook change the interaction between males and females, and that because many people use Facebook to have friends, to communicate, and to have fun.

Patterson, B. (2008, February 17). Facing up to the future how cyber social networking site. Sunday Herald Sun. Retrieved on April 23, 2008, from
Stutzman, F. (2006, Sept. 07). Thoughts about information, social networks, identity and technology. Unit Structures. Retrieved April 20, 2008, from

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