Thursday, October 4, 2007


Kids have to learn the value of money. from
(2006, April 20).


In this article the author explain when the preens have money and children and hoe the parents can tech the children how to use the money and saved better than spend it for shopping around. tech money skills to the young people is going make up trouble for th future. According to the article we should tech how to help essential money skills to the young people and also we should tech them how to manage their money, and avoid getting worse. The main point of this article is they want to improve the children skills to make them avoid any problem in the future.


This article is very important to me because it talk about different kind of finance. we can focuses to improve the children skills to make sure the will not face any problem in the future. and the should to balance between spending money and personal finance. Finance education is one of big problem that we should take care about it.

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