Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fluency EX 3

Smoking is the worst habit in the world. Before six years ago, i had a big experience withe smoking. I started to smoke becouse my friends pressured me to try it, and it was a big mistake i made in my life. I smoked for two years and because i have asthma the docter told me if you don't quit smoking, your health is going to be a problem in the future. This experience made me think a alot about my life and my health. Maybe some people don't understand how bad smoking is. Before i go went to the hospital i was fighting to get oxygen and i understand now that smoking is a very bad behivor. I understand my health is moer important than anything in the world. I feel sorry for any people who smoke, especially my friend because I don't want to see pople have the same experience as me. I hope to all people healthy. "Dont get hooked by smoking".

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